Helsinki Day Park Party in Lapinlahden Lähde

Event Introduction
14:00–20:00 Flea market
14:00–18:00 Free workshops, including a drum workshop, dance workshops, parkour, a graffiti workshop and a break dance workshop.
From 14:00 Guided history tours and a presentation of the activities in Lapinlahti Lähde, starting on the hour. Last guided tour at 18:00. Meeting at the gate of the main building. Maximum 20 attendees per tour.
Omenapuutalo stage programme:
15:00 Faso Kan
17:00 Kissa
18:30 Swamptrip
More information about accessibility:
The ground floor of the main building is the most accessible space.
Accessibility guide here (in Finnish).
Please let us know if you need any help. You can also call +358 40 649 4188 or +358 40 649 4189.
Children, Dance, Theatre and Cinema, Music, Nature and the Environment, Open doors, Tours and Exhibitions, Sports and Wellness
Event Information
Pro Lapinlahti mielenterveysseura ry
Lapinlahden Lähde
Fahlanderin puistokuja 2
00101 Helsinki -
The event is accessible with a wheelchair.
The event has an accessible toilet.
Event language:
Finnish, Swedish, English