Helsinki Day celebrations at the Kannelmäki Service Home

Image: Anna-Maria Malm

Event Introduction

Everyone is invited to the Helsinki Day celebration at the Kannelmäki Service Home on Wednesday, 12 June, from 12:00 to 15:00! Music of yesteryear by Lucky Duo, and cute llamas and other animals from Hutko farm. Great fun! Snacks available. The event will be free and open to everyone. Welcome!

More information about accessibility:

The event will be open and accessible to everyone. We aim to accommodate different age groups, cultural backgrounds and physical abilities. The atmosphere is respectful of diversity, and people with different abilities can participate in activities. The Service Home is accessible, and our multicultural work community supports the smooth running of the event and can offer interpretation if required.


Children, Classics, Music, Nature and the Environment, Open doors, Tours and Exhibitions

Event Information

  • Time:

    • 12:00–15:00

  • Organiser:

    Kannelmäen palvelutalo

  • Address:

    Kannelmäki Service Home
    Urkupillintie 4
    00420 Helsinki

  • Accessibility:

    The event is accessible with a wheelchair.

    The event has an accessible toilet.

  • Event language:


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