The OAF Stage presents a diverse group of outsider artists

The OAF Stage is a selection of outsider art, artists, music and performances curated by Pertti’s Choice. The show will be hosted by Miika Turunen, Radio Helsinki’s Pertti’s Choice programme journalist.

The 2024 OAF Stage will be taken over by a large group of outsider artists and a diverse selection of music and performance art will be seen and heard on the stage. The night will culminate in a super ensemble of Finnish organ music, Salonen-Gustavson-Gröhn – a group of three Hammond electric organs which plays groovy rhythmic music with a grand sound. Kalle Salonen will be accompanied by two veteran musicians: Jukka Gustavson, a legend familiar from Wigwam, and Pekka Gröhn, a virtuoso who plays in J. Karjalainen’s band.

2 pm Kantele guy
3 pm Kirjallisuuden mentoriohjelma / Satu Nekala
4 pm Henna Emilia Hietamäki
5 pm Massali
6 pm H X -men
7.15 pm Salonen-Gustavson-Gröhn